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Architecture and functionality of Mediaserver

Architecture and functionality of Mediaserver

Main components

Linux system service

A multithreaded service implemented in C/C++



A configuration file for mediaserver where the following can be configured:

  • Cluster

  • Number of system threads

  • Network ports and available services

  • SSL and secret keys for authorization tokens

  • Plug-in modules

  • Archival storage paths


A configuration file for each processed stream where the following can be configured:

  • Unique stream identifier (UID)

  • Which channels to capture (video, audio, application)

  • DVR recording (storage duration, where to record)

  • Reconnection intervals

  • RTSP source URL (which camera to capture)

RTSP stream capture

The function performs the following actions:

  • Connection

  • Reconnection in case of connection loss

  • RTP defragmentation

Archive (DVR)

The component has the following functions:

  • Indexing media data

  • Content storage

  • Creating ranges (indexing)

  • Removing outdated records

  • Event-based recording


The function performs the following actions:

  • Client authorization for playback:

    • Public, unlimited stream access

    • Protected, access to the stream requires a list of allowed IP addresses (whitelist)

    • Private, access to the stream is based on a temporary token

  • Conversion to HLS, MP4, RTSP formats

  • Media content delivery

  • Preview and Videoshot

WEB interface(cpanel)

  • LUA interface (for modification)

  • Stream status

  • Stream information

  • System and server resource information

API module

  • LUA interface (for modification)

  • Server, cluster, stream information

  • Stream management

  • Access token generation

Cluster (reservation)

The component has the following functions:

  • Primary, backup server for the stream

  • Checking server status

  • Recovery of streams in case the primary server fails

  • Stream transfer

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