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Incorrect streams

Incorrect streams

Incorrect streams. A list of incorrect streams (streams that had at least 1 reconnection) divided into 3 categories:

  1. Incorrect cameras – cameras that had at least 1 reconnection

  2. Problematic cameras – cameras that accumulated Y reconnections during a certain period of time

  3. Disabled cameras – cameras that are turned off on the media server

GET /api/admin/v1/streams/inactive

Method parameters

int per_page, number of items per page for pagination. Default is 25

int page, page number for pagination

string condition, type of streams to be returned. Defined in the stream_conditions section of the Main configurations

string search, search performed by camera address or name

string ip, search performed by IP address of the stream

string sort, field to sort the servers by

string dir, sorting direction. desc - from largest to smallest, asc - from smallest to largest

string domain, filter by media server domain (filtering is done based on the main media server)

200 OK

List of cameras belonging to the group

    "data": [
            "id": 733,
            "type": "high",
            "camera_id": 745,
            "status": "active",
            "url": "rtsp://admin:123@",
            "bitrate": 1486,
            "resolution": "1920x1080",
            "output_rate": 4457,
            "ip": "",
            "uuid": "9f5ed653-7bcb-4603-97e4-2efddc0de61e",
            "sound": "tracks-v1",
            "streams_count": 0,
            "created_at": "2022-01-27 19:26:22",
            "updated_at": "2022-06-22 12:25:05",
            "is_preview_from_server": true,
            "is_archive_from_server": null,
            "is_enabled": true,
            "source": "manual",
            "is_sound_enabled": false,
            "reconnect_attempt": 0,
            "reconnect_total": 1,
            "reconnect_time": null,
            "disconnections_count": 0,
            "camera": {
                "id": 745,
                "group_id": 98,
                "status": "active",
                "type": "media_server_v2",
                "pretty_text": "Cameras",
                "short_pretty": "Cameras",
                "start_at": "2022-06-07 12:25:16",
                "created_at": "2022-01-27 18:55:48",
                "name": "Camera 1",
                "csas": [],
                "can_edit": true,
                "origin": null,
                "group_type": "public",
                "shared_from": null,
                "ip": "",
                "lat": null,
                "lng": null,
                "azimuth": null,
                "is_sensitive": 0,
                "is_public": 1,
                "is_ip_reserved": false,
                "count_issues": 4,
                "source": "manual",
                "archive_storage_days": 15,
                "is_archive_recording": true,
                "archive_recording_type": "fulltime",
                "is_increased_reconnect": 0,
                "is_sound_enabled": false,
                "is_bridge": false,
                "is_auto_create_streams": false,
                "is_provisioning_enable": false
            "server": {
                "id": 59,
                "type": "media_server_v2",
                "schema": "https",
                "domain": "mediaserver1.vms.local",
                "internal": "8080",
                "external": "8443",
                "m4f": "8443",
                "rtsp": "5554",
                "publish": "7554",
                "traffic_in": 65268,
                "traffic_out": 473575,
                "status": 1,
                "is_enabled": 0,
                "is_main": 1,
                "has_cache": 0,
                "proxy": "mediaserver1.vms.local",
                "created_at": "2022-01-27 17:16:16",
                "updated_at": "2022-06-21 16:46:02",
                "group_type": "all",
                "can_delete": false,
                "streams_limit": 1000,
                "bitrate_limit": 1000000,
                "extra": {
                    "io": {
                        "read_rate": 0,
                        "read_bytes": 0,
                        "write_rate": 0,
                        "write_bytes": 0
                    "cpu": {
                        "total": 28,
                        "usage": 30,
                        "stime_sec": 120406,
                        "utime_sec": 120406
                    "mem": {
                        "rss": 1583718400,
                        "share": 9453568,
                        "usage": 3413516288
                    "net": {
                        "in_bitrate": 66834240,
                        "out_bitrate": 484941112
                    "drives": {
                        "/": {
                            "fs": "ext4",
                            "mount": "/",
                            "inode_free": 3151247,
                            "inode_total": 3276800,
                            "capacity_free": 39977168896,
                            "capacity_total": 52572946432
                        "none": {
                            "fs": "swap",
                            "mount": "none",
                            "inode_free": 0,
                            "inode_total": 0,
                            "capacity_free": 0,
                            "capacity_total": 0
                        "/storage": {
                            "fs": "ext4",
                            "mount": "/storage",
                            "inode_free": 503178863,
                            "inode_total": 503316480,
                            "capacity_free": 10929798352896,
                            "capacity_total": 16361548312576
                    "server": {
                        "ip4": "",
                        "name": "NSMS-21.03-lts",
                        "build": "8ffb5b2",
                        "uptime": 607663,
                        "startat": 1655211499,
                        "version": "21.03",
                        "hostname": "mediaserver1.vms.local",
                        "revision": "lts",
                        "timestamp": "20220526082547"
                    "cluster": {
                        "id": "100",
                        "node": "101",
                        "enable": "true",
                        "hostname": "mediaserver1.vms.local"
                    "license": {
                        "own": "Vms",
                        "type": "enterprise",
                        "issued": 1687355162
                    "streams": {
                        "total": 33,
                        "active": 27,
                        "clients": 988
                    "storages": {
                        "/storage": {
                            "fs": "",
                            "err": 0,
                            "name": "default",
                            "mount": "/storage",
                            "inode_free": 503178863,
                            "inode_total": 503316480,
                            "capacity_free": 10929798352896,
                            "capacity_total": 16361548312576
                        "/storage2": {
                            "fs": "",
                            "err": -2,
                            "name": "secondary",
                            "mount": "/storage2",
                            "inode_free": 0,
                            "inode_total": 0,
                            "capacity_free": 0,
                            "capacity_total": 0
            "sub_servers": [],
            "is_actual": true
    "links": {
        "first": "https://vms.local/api/admin/v1/streams/inactive?per_page=15&condition=incorrect&page=1",
        "last": "https://vms.local/api/admin/v1/streams/inactive?per_page=15&condition=incorrect&page=9",
        "prev": null,
        "next": "https://vms.local/api/admin/v1/streams/inactive?per_page=15&condition=incorrect&page=2"
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 9,
        "links": [
                "url": null,
                "label": "pagination.previous",
                "active": false
        "path": "https://vms.local/api/admin/v1/streams/inactive",
        "per_page": 15,
        "to": 15,
        "total": 128

401 Unauthorized

Authorization token is not provided or is invalid. Obtaining a token

curl -k --request POST \
	--url 'https://your-domain/api/admin/v1/streams/inactive' \
	--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	--header 'Accept: application/json' \
	--data '{
    "per_page": 0,
    "page": 0,
    "condition": "string",
    "search": "string",
    "ip": "string",
    "sort": "string",
    "dir": "string",
    "domain": "string"
$data = array (
  'per_page' => 0,
  'page' => 0,
  'condition' => 'string',
  'search' => 'string',
  'ip' => 'string',
  'sort' => 'string',
  'dir' => 'string',
  'domain' => 'string',
$context = stream_context_create([
	'ssl'=>['verify_peer' => false],
	'http' => [
		'method' => 'GET',
		'header' => "Content-Type: application/json\r
Accept: application/json",
$result = file_get_contents('https://your-domain/api/admin/v1/streams/inactive', false, $context);
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.