Example of server configuration file settings
Below is an example of media server configuration file settings.
The configuration file is a file that contains information necessary for the successful operation of the program.
node-id = 101 # node id
node-host = # if empty then resolve by hostname
cluster-enable = true
cluster-id = 100 # cluster id, leave empty for disabled
cluster-controller = rabbitmq:// # rabbitmq:// mysql:// pg:// tarantool://
cluster-warming-up = 10s # startup timeout. for warming-up all cluster nodes
cluster-tolerance = 20s # time interval after last check when node start grab the secondary cameras
cluster-ping-interval = 10s # time interval in seconds between health checking
sys-limit = 4096 # set fd limitis
sys-umask = 777 # set file\folder creation mask
threads-medium = 10 # Number of medium worker threads
threads-media = 10 # Number of media worker threads
threads-web = 5 # Number of web worker threads
enable = true # true | false | rtsp,publish,web
rtsp = *:5554:/ # rtsp streaming endpoint
publish = *:7554:/ # push rtsp endpoint
web = *:8443/ # hls\mse\etc... streaming endpoint
whitelist-access = # media client rtsp\http\https whitelist
whitelist-publishers = # rtsp pushers whitelist
auth-module = modules/auth/validate.lua
auth-secret = "}2F+fUnU8!@(<`5]9@]6P3,rkwD&XRvV[Rr`;CQR^wr$h#79SQw-[[>amr7ZX(dN"
ssl-enable = true # enable\disable SSL for (web, api, hls, mse etc.)
ssl-cert = # ssl cert file
ssl-key = # ssl key file
reconnect-numbers = 500 # number of reconnects, before turn off stream
reconnect-timeout = 10s # timeout before reconnect attempt
reconnect-interval = 30m # maximum timeout interval
reconnect-invalid = 10 # number of bad packets before camera go in state invalid
keep-alive = true # enable\disable (default is enable) tcp keepalive between server and streams (global for all streams, metro bad network fix)
listen = *:8080
cpanel-enable = true # enable\disable web module
cpanel-baseurl = /cpanel
cpanel-module = modules/cpanel/cpanel.lua
cpanel-whitelist = #
cpanel-auth = none # basic, none
api-enable = true # enable\disable web module
api-baseurl = /api
api-module = modules/api/api.v2.lua
api-whitelist = #,,
api-auth = none # basic, none
ssl-enable = true # enable\disable SSL for (web, api, hls, mse etc.)
ssl-cert = # ssl cert file
ssl-key = # ssl key file
# role = <login>:[<plain-password>]
# role - root, admin, guest, user, if leave empty, role is disabled
admin = siteadmin:
root =
user =
guest =
record-tmp-dir = /storage/tmp #temporary directory to export records
include = streams/*.ini
include = media-server.nodes # external file nodes id list
101 = testnsms1.<xxxx>.video
1088 = testnsms2.<xxxx>.video
# Optional section with virtual storages forward declaration
default = /storage
secondary = /storage2
Term | Definition |
node-id | Node number of the installed media server |
node-host | Media server name. If the value is empty, the hostname of the system will be used |
cluster | Group of combined nodes (node) of media servers |
cluster-enable | true – enabling a cluster group false – disabling the cluster |
cluster-id | Cluster number – server groups |
cluster-controller | cluster-controller = rabbitmq:// # rabbitmq:// mysql:// pg:// tarantool:// |
cluster-ping-interval | Interval between ping requests |
cluster-warming-up | Launch timeout. for checking and enabling all cluster nodes |
cluster-tolerance | Time interval after the last health check |
sys-limit | System setting for setting a limit |
sys-umask | System setting for creating a mask |
[threads] | Threads. Necessary for thread settings |
threads-medium | The number of system threads that will be launched to capture streams |
threads-media | The number of threads for delivering camera streams |
threads-web | The number of threads for API/WEB work |
[stream]enable | true | false | rtsp,publish,web |
rtsp = *:5554:/ publish = *:7554:/ web = *:8443/ | Suitable for thick clients Suitable for media bridge Suitable for web format and mobile devices |
whitelist | Setting the IP address for connection |
whitelist-access | Everyone is allowed if no specific IP addresses are specified |
whitelist-publishers | Limitation of who can send streams |
auth-module | Token verification during authorization |
auth-secret | For checking and creating access token |
ssl | Certificates. A protocol that provides more secure communication |
ssl-enable | Enabling or disabling SSL certificates (for web, api, hls, mse, etc.) |
ssl-cert | Stores the location of the cert file |
ssl-key | Stores the location of the private key |
reconnect-numbers | Global parameter. Reconnection settings. Can be configured in the configuration file in the stream |
reconnect-timeout | Reconnect once every specified number of seconds |
reconnect-interval | Connection attempt interval |
reconnect-invalid | Number of connection attempts |
keep-alive | keep-alive = true Enable/disable (enabled by default) tcp activity support between the server and streams (global for all streams, fixing poor subway network) |
[module] | Additional functionality for connecting CPanel and API |
listen | Port |
cpanel-enable | true. Connection of the web module CPanel |
cpanel-baseurl = /cpanel | Name path to the module |
cpanel-module = modules/cpanel/cpanel.lua | Script to implement the functionality of the CPanel module |
cpanel-whitelist = # | IP addresses that can connect |
cpanel-auth = none # basic, none | basic – there is authorization none – connection is possible without authorization |
api-enable = true | true/false. Connection of the API module |
api-baseurl = /api | Path to the API |
api-module = modules/api/api.v2.lua | Script to implement the functionality of the API module |
api-whitelist = #,, | IP addresses that can connect to API |
api-auth = none # basic, none | basic – there is authorization none – connection is possible without authorization |
ssl-enable = false # enable\disable SSL for (web, api, hls, mse etc.) | Enabling or disabling SSL certificates (for web, api, hls, mse, etc.) |
ssl-cert = # ssl cert file | Stores the location of the cert file |
ssl-key = # ssl key file | Stores the location of the private key |
[users] | Input format role = <login>:[<plain-password>] |
role = <login>:[<plain-password>] | role - root, admin, guest, user, if left blank, the role is disabled |
admin = siteadmin:siteadmin root = user = guest = | Possible user roles |
dvr | A function that enables creating archives on a media server |
record-tmp-dir = /storage/tmp | Path for creating temporary files |
include = streams/*.ini | Path from which to connect configuration settings |
[nodes] | The section works when clusters are present |
include = media-server.nodes | Matching the node and hostname |
101 = testnsms1.<xxxx>.video | The media server with node 101 has the specified hostname |
1088 = testnsms2.<xxxx>.video | The media server with node 1088 has the specified hostname. |
[storages] | Specifying disks that are available for recording archives |
default = /storage | Main archive storage location |
secondary = /storage2 | Backup archive storage location |