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Video Archive

When accessing the «Video Archive» menu, the following elements are displayed on the page:

  • Camera tree

  • Search

  • Refresh camera tree

  • Main player

«Video Archive» menu

The main player is designed for general actions and settings when viewing multiple cameras.

Key functions of the player include:

  • Enable label display

  • Switch between labels

  • Close camera archive

  • Pause playback

  • Download the required video fragment

  • Save an image (screenshot)

  • Work with the timeline (rewind backward and forward)

  • Set the time range on the timeline

  • Select the archive date

The archive is stored for 30 days.

To add a camera to a specific layout on the video wall, select the desired cell by clicking on it and then select the desired camera.

To view the camera's video archive, select it from the camera tree:

  • Drag it to the workspace or double-click on the selected camera

  • Select the time range on the timeline (1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h)

  • Choose a date on the calendar

  • If necessary, download an archive fragment:

    • Move the slider to the desired time

    • Set the start point and click on the «Start of fragment for saving» icon

    • Set the end point and click on the «End of fragment for saving» icon

    • Click «Save selected video fragment»

  • To download a fragment or take a screenshot:

    • Click on «Save selected video fragment»

    • Click on «Save camera images in the current position»

  • In the opened window, check the export parameters, then click the «Export» button

Selecting the time range

Selecting a date on the calendar

The available archive on the camera is highlighted in red on the timeline.

If the selected archive is not available, you will be offered to access an available archive segment from earlier dates. Such an archive is also displayed on the calendar.

All timeline functions are only available for the current camera.

There is an option to control the playback speed.

Playback speed control function

Playback speed

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