Saved Content
The «Saved Content» menu is a page with a list of media files, divided into two sections:
Downloads (media files downloaded to the user's computer)
Created media files are stored for 30 days.
The display of created media files can be filtered by:
Display period:
Last 365 days
Last 30 days
Last 24 hours
Last 7 days
Select period
By format:
Video files (mp4)
Camera snapshots (jpg)
All files
To download a media file, select it and choose an action in the «Download file» filter:
Download file(s)
Download as archive (zip)
You can also save a media file by double-clicking on it or using the context menu that appears when you right-click.
To download multiple media files at once, click and hold the left mouse button to select them, then download the files using any of the listed methods.
If automatic download is not set in the profile settings and no path is specified for saving the archive, archive fragments are saved in the list of media files with the option to download them to the PC later.
If automatic download is set and a path is specified in the profile settings, archive fragments are saved both in the list of media files and in the downloads section.