Hardware Requirements Analytics
Minimum of 2 servers are required:
8 CPU/ 16 GB RAM /250 GB OS Ubuntu 20.04 Server. This server is intended for the orchestrator components.
8 CPU/ 16 GB RAM /1TB OS Ubuntu 20.04 Server. This server is intended for the orchestrator client and executable files.
Required resources for installation
Server Orchestration |
Redis for Server Orchestrator |
Nginx for Server Orchestrator |
MySQL for Server Orchestrator |
Vectorizator |
Client Orchestration |
Supervisor |
Executable files |
Tarantool |
ClickHouse |
Push server (push1st) |
Requirements for a large number of cameras (more than 100 cameras)
For an installation designed for 100 or more cameras, the orchestrator components must be installed on different servers. Below are the server requirements for different orchestrator components.\
Orchestrator. Management of video analytics resources.
Server requirements: 8 CPU/ 16 GB RAM /250 GB OS Ubuntu 20.04 Server
Vectorizer for images. Can be installed on the orchestrator server.
Server requirements: 4 CPU/ 8 GB RAM /75 GB OS Ubuntu 20.04 Server
Client Orchestration
Orchestrator client.
Existing servers with Mediaserver software components.
Executable files
Component for processing video streams.
Existing servers with Mediaserver software components.
Database of events.
Server requirements: 8 CPU/ 32 GB RAM /1TB OS Ubuntu 20.04 Server
Push server
Message broker.
Server requirements: 4 CPU/ 8 GB RAM /250 GB OS Ubuntu 20.04 Server