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Smoke and fire detection analytics

The requirements for installing cameras for the «Smoke/Fire Detection» analytics are provided below to ensure stable operation.


Recommended Value

Installation height

not more than 3 m

Maximum allowable camera installation angle vertically


The height and distance depend on the required angle of view, image quality, and distance.

In addition to the requirements listed in the table, the following must also be taken into account:

  • Uniform lighting that should not change sharply

  • Static images and background (there should be no constantly moving objects in the frame)

  • The camera must be stationary

  • Direct sources of light should be excluded from the lens

  • It is recommended to provide minimal illumination

  • Potential hazard objects should be within the camera's direct line of sight

  • «Useful» sources of fire and smoke should be absent in the camera's field of view: stoves, steam boilers or pipes, welding equipment, etc.

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