Fixes 22.12
Administrator Client
The logo display error has been fixed
The time synchronization error has been fixed
The screenshot feature was not working in Safari when viewing a camera in the player on the «View in player» tab. This has been fixed
The display error that prevented more than two streams from being shown when viewing a camera on the «Video streams» tab has been fixed
The display error that prevented the «Analytics» tab from being shown when viewing a camera in the «Cameras» section has been fixed
The display error for the «Auto-Manual» slider on the «Video streams» tab when viewing a camera has been fixed
Fixed an issue with license count calculation in the «Analytics» section
Fixed an issue with updating analytics statistics data in the «Analytics» section
Fixed an issue with adding a new document in the «Documents» section
Fixed validation errors in the «Apartment from» and «Apartment to» fields when viewing and editing an intercom
Fixed validation error in the «Entrance» field when viewing and editing an intercom
Now the intercom camera is displayed only if the administrator has access to the intercom module
Fixed error in selecting a period when generating a report on cameras for a selected period in the «Reports» section
Fixed role assignment error for administrators
Fixed temporary user editing error
Fixed event display error in the filter dropdown in the «Events» section
Media servers
Fixed error that caused the stream status to become «Inactive» after stream transfer
Fixed error that caused the «Token» field to appear for flussonic media servers when adding or editing a server
Web client
Fixed scaling error for crop images for the «License plate recognition» analytics case
Desktop client
Media files
Fixed date selection error in the date filter
Video surveillance
Fixed incorrect modal window names error