CameraApi. iOS
Api to get cameras information.
Get main tree
Get all cameras user has.
If request was successful you'll the list of VMSCameraTree
objects. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError
getCamerasTree(search: String?, completion: ([VMSCameraTree]?, VMSApiError?))
Camera search
Get the list of cameras according to search.
If request was successful you'll the list of founded VMSCamera
objects. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError
getSearchCameras(search: String, completion: ([VMSCamera]?, VMSApiError?))
- cancel request in case you need it
Get camera
Get specific camera information by camera's id.
If request was successful you'll get VMSCamera
object. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError
getCamera(with cameraId: Int, completion: (VMSCamera?, VMSApiError?))
cancelCameraInfoRequest(with cameraId: Int)
- cancel request in case you need it
Rename camera
Rename camera by it's id and with it's new name.
If request was successful you'll get updated VMSCamera
object. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError
renameCamera(with id: Int, name: String, completion: (VMSCamera?, VMSApiError?))
Send report
Send report if something is wrong with the camera. See StaticsApi
to get the list of possible issues.
If request was successful you'll get nil
. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError
sendReport(info: VMSReportRequest, completion: (VMSApiError?))
Object with needed info to send report.
init(issueId: Int, cameraId: Int)
- id of reported issue. See StaticsApi
for more information
- id of camera with issue
Get camera preview
Get camera preview of specific date. You will receive .mp4 file of camera one frame.
If request was successful you'll get url to download frame. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError
getCameraPreview(with cameraId: Int, date: String?, completion: (String?, VMSApiError?) -> Void) -> DataRequest?
cancelPreviewCameraRequest(with cameraId: Int)
- cancel request in case you need it