FavoritesApi. iOS
Api to manipulate with favorite cameras.
Make camera favorite
Make camera favorite by it's id.
If request was successful, the response would be nil
. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError
createFavorite(with cameraId: Int, completion: (VMSApiError?))
Remove camera from favorites
Remove camera from favorites by it's id.
If request was successful, the response would be nil
. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError
deleteFavorite(with cameraId: Int, completion: (VMSApiError?))
Get list of favorite cameras
Get list of favorite cameras. Specify page for request. For the first request set page = 0
If request was successful you'll get paginated response of cameras. If any error would occur you would get an VMSApiError
getFavoritesList(page: Int, completion: (PaginatedRespon