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IntercomApi. Android

Api to manipulate with intercoms.

Get intercoms list

Get list of intercoms. Specify page for request. For the first request set page = 1.

If request was successful you'll get paginated response of groups.

suspend fun getIntercomsList(@Query(PAGE) page: String): VMSApiResponseIntercoms

Get intercom codes list

Get list of intercom codes. Specify page for request. For the first request set page = 1.

If request was successful you'll get paginated response of groups.

suspend fun getIntercomCodesList(@Query(PAGE) page: String): VMSVisitors

Get calls list

Get list of calls. Specify page for request. For the first request set page = 1.

If request was successful you'll get paginated response of groups.

suspend fun getCallsList(@Query(PAGE) page: String): VMSApiResponseVisitHistory

Start adding intercom flow

This request is used to start adding intercom flow.

User should enter a code received from this request and then apply physical intercom key to the intercom.

After that you will receive socket push and user should enter a flat number.

If this intercom was already added, this request will return error with appropriate informational message.

If request was successful you'll get VMSActivationCode object.

suspend fun getActivationCode(): VMSActivationCode

Set flat number

Connect intercom with specific flat number.

Create new group of cameras with specified name. Initially the group is empty.

If request was successful, you will receive updated intercom.

suspend fun setIntercomFlat(@Path(ID) id: String, @Body data: VMSIntercomFlatData): VMSIntercom

Rename intercom

Rename specific intercom by it's id with new name.

If request was successful, you will receive updated intercom.

suspend fun renameIntercom(
    @Path(ID) id: String,
    @Body data: VMSIntercomChangeTitleData
): VMSIntercom

Set intercom settings

Change settings parameters for specific intercom by it's id.

If request was successful, you will receive updated intercom.

suspend fun changeIntercomSettings(
    @Path(ID) id: String,
    @Body data: VMSIntercomChangeSettingsData
): VMSIntercom

Data objects:

data class VMSIntercomChangeSettingsData(
	@SerializedName("is_enabled") val is_enabled: Boolean? = false,
	@SerializedName("timetable") val timetable: VMSTimetable? = null
): Parcelable

@Path(ID) id - id of intercom

is_enabled - set to false if you want to disable intercom. In this case calls from intercom won't be received to current device.

timetable - intercom calls schedule. Calls will be received only according to chosen time.


Intercom calls schedule.

Timetable can be set in two ways:

  • by days

  • by intervals

You cannot set both parameters simultaneously. In this case intervals will be set.

data class VMSTimetable(
	@SerializedName("days") val days: ArrayList<VMSTimetableDay>? = null,
	@SerializedName("intervals") val intervals: ArrayList<VMSTimetableInterval>? = null
): Parcelable

Open door

Open intercom's door.

If request was successful, the response would be Response<Unit>.

suspend fun openDoor(@Path(ID) id: String): Response<Unit>

Create code

Create code to open the door physically.

If request was successful, you'll get VMSVisitor object.

suspend fun createCode(
    @Path(ID) id: String,
    @Body data: VMSIntercomCodeData
): VMSCodeVisitor

@Path(ID) id - id of intercom

data class VMSIntercomCodeData(
@SerializedName("title") val title: String?,
@SerializedName("expired_at") val expired_at: String?,
): Parcelable

title - the name for new code

expired_at - Date till which this code will be valid

Delete intercoms

Delete intercoms you don't need anymore.

If request was successful, the response would be Response<Unit>.

@HTTP(method = DELETE, path = INTERCOM_LIST, hasBody = true)
suspend fun deleteIntercoms(@Body data: VMSIntercomsDeleteData): Response<Unit>

Delete intercom codes

Delete intercom codes you don't need anymore.

If request was successful, the response would be Response<Unit>.

@HTTP(method = DELETE, path = INTERCOM_CODES, hasBody = true)
suspend fun deleteVisitors(@Body data: VMSIntercomsDeleteData): Response<Unit>

Delete calls

Delete calls you don't need anymore.

If request was successful, the response would be Response<Unit>.

@HTTP(method = DELETE, path = INTERCOM_CALLS, hasBody = true)
suspend fun deleteCalls(@Body data: VMSIntercomsDeleteData): Response<Unit>

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