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VMSPlayerController. Android



PlayerFragment.newInstance(data: VMSPlayerData)


    camera: VMSCamera,
    groupCameras: [VMSCamera]?,
    user: VMSUser,
    translations: VMSPlayerTranslations,
    playerApi: VMSPlayerApi,
    options: VMSPlayerOptions
        val camera: VMSCamera,
        val listCameras: ArrayList<VMSCamera>?,
        val event: VMSEvent?,
        val jsonTranslations: String,
        val videoRates: ArrayList<Double>,
        val markTypes: ArrayList<VMSEventType>,
        val permissions: List<VMSPermission>,
        val allowVibration: Boolean,

camera - The camera you want to open the player for.

listCameras - When this parameter is set, you can swipe inside the player to change the camera being displayed.

event - When this parameter is set, you can open the archive at a specific time.

jsonTranslations - A dictionary of translations required inside the player. You can construct it based on the one you receive from the server. Refer to StaticsApi for details.

videoRates - Video speed options available for setting in the archive stream.

markTypes - Mark type options available for setting in the archive settings to be displayed on the timeline.

permissions - List of permissions needed for the proper functioning of the player.

allowVibration - The default is yes; set to false if you don't want to use vibration when scrolling the timeline.


The PlayerFragment uses VMSPlayerCallbacks.

onClickScreenShot(bitmap: Bitmap, camera: VMSCamera, time: Calendar) - Captures a screenshot of the currently displayed camera at the current broadcast date.

onClickOpenEvents(data: VMSCamera? = null) - Opens all the events of the specified camera.

onSendAppEvent(value: String) - If you wish to log user activity, this method provides the action names to be transferred to your app.

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