Analytic. Camera
This tab displays a list of analytics types in which the current camera is involved.
Creation and configuration of analytics are done through the user's web interface.
The table includes the following columns:
Type, the type of the case analytics
Name, the name of the case analytics
UUID, UUID of the analytics executable stream. Clicking on it will navigate to the «Analytics» section
Status, the status of the analytics executable stream. For a stream in the STOPPED status, a restart button is displayed
Stream UUID, clicking on it will navigate to the «Video Streams» tab of the current camera
Cameras status
User, the username of the user who created the analytics case. Clicking on it will navigate to the user's profile in the «Administration» → «Users» section
If the user is a temporary user, clicking on it will navigate to the temporary user's profile in the «Administration» → «Temporary users» section
If the user is a sub-user, clicking on it will navigate to the profile of the user who added the sub-user, on the «Sub users» tab
Search functionality is provided for analytics:
By analytics name
By analytics type
By task UID