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Licensing Analytics

A license is required to work with Analytics. The table below shows licenses that provide the ability to use Analytics.

Part Number




VSaaS License. Analytics L1

VSaaS Analytics L1. License for video analytics L1 on 1 video stream***.

Provides functionality for video stream analytics of the following types:

  • Detection of loud sounds

  • Detection of smoke/fire

  • Detection of line crossing

  • Detection of damage/overlap/vandalism/camera

  • Detection of motion

A license is required to connect an IP camera.


VSaaS License. Analytics L2

VSaaS Analytics L2. License for video analytics L2 on 1 video stream.

Provides functionality for video stream analytics of the following types:

  • Queue procession

  • Visitor counting

A license is required to connect an IP camera.


VSaaS License. Analytics L3  

VSaaS Analytics L3. License for video analytics L3 on 1 video stream.

Provides functionality for video stream analytics of the following types:

  • Facial recognition

  • License plate recognition

A license is required to connect an IP camera.


VSaaS License. Analytics UN 

VSaaS Analytics UN. License for video analytics on 1 video stream.

Provides functionality for video stream analytics of levels L1, L2, L3.

A license is required to connect an IP camera.

*- XXXX, brand code

**- YY, application code

***- only one video analytics algorithm launched on it is accepted under one video stream

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