Configure the Aipix deployment
All operations will be executed on VM1, unless an alternative is explicitly designated.
To configure the Aipix deployment, follow these steps:
Go to the working directory:
cd ~/aipix-deploy/kubernetes
Create the
cp ./ ./
Configure your Aipix deployment:
vim ./
#!/bin/bash -e
###Beginning of the VSaaS base config ###
export DOCKER_USERNAME=aipix #Username to login into nexus docker-registry
export DOCKER_PASSWORD=aipix #Password to login into nexus docker-registry
export #Domain name for traefik dashboard
export TRAEFIK_NAMESPACE=traefik-v2 #k8s namespace for traefik application
export VMS_DOMAIN= #Domain name for VMS
export ANALYTICS_DOMAIN= #Domain name for orchestrator
export NS_VMS=vsaas-vms #k8s namespace for vms application
export NS_MS=vsaas-ms #k8s namespace for mediaservers
export NS_A=vsaas-analytics #k8s namespace for analytics
export NS_MINIO=minio-single #k8s namespace for minio s3
export RWO_STORAGE=local-storage # storage classname for ReadWriteOnce
# for GKE use standard-rwo
export RWX_STORAGE=openebs-kernel-nfs # storage classname for ReadWriteMany
# for GKE use standard-rwx
export ANALYTICS=no #If analytics is to be deployed ("yes" or "no")
export TYPE=single ##Installations options
#1) "single" - single node demo installation plus one node for analytics if enabled
export VMS_LIC_OFFLINE=no #If vms offline license is to be used ("yes" or "no")
export MS_LIC_OFFLINE=no #If mediaserver offline license is to be used ("yes" or "no")
export A_LIC_OFFLINE=yes #If analytics offline license is to be used ("yes" or "no")
#S3 minio basic deployment parameters for analytics:
export MINIO_CONSOLE_DOMAIN= #define minio console domain name
export MINIO_USR=minioadmin #define minio admin username
export MINIO_PSW=miniopassword #define minio admin password
export MINIO_BACKEND_ACCESS_KEY=N2OK6ONUEH7CZ8R13H48 #define minio access key used for acccess backend S3 storage bucket (use letters and numbers only)
export MINIO_ANALYTICS_ACCESS_KEY=Y4RJU1RNFGK48LGO9I2S #define minio access key used for acccess analytics S3 storage bucket (use letters and numbers only)
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=aZ6d6WCmTV0vJ0Q2q441VeJOGnEcyfYYHPKD0LZS #define minio secret key used for acccess S3 storage bucket (use letters and numbers only)
export BACKEND_BUCKET_NAME=backend-store #minio bucket name for backend
export ANALYTICS_BUCKET_NAME=analytics-store #minio bucket name for analytics
#Monitoring parameters
export MONITORING=no #If monitoring is to be deployed ("yes" or "no")
export PROVISION_DASHBOARDS=yes #If grafana dashboards is to be provisioned automaticaly ("yes" or "no")
export INFLUX_USR=admin #define influxdb admin user
export INFLUX_PSW=0hmSYYaRci6yJblARc6aHbHZ4YelTXTo #define influxdb admin userpassword (use letters and numbers only)
export INFLUX_TOKEN=2pORp9tDo40Lm32oGUKFLL8r1UuNbgUT #define influxdb API token (use letters and numbers only)
#Portal parameters
export PORTAL=no #If portal is to be deployed ("yes" or "no")
export PORTAL_STUB_DOMAIN= #define portal-stub domain name
###END of the VSaaS base config ###
if [ ${TYPE} == "single" ]; then
echo >&2 "ERROR: Variable TYPE is not correct"
exit 2