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Creating a camera entity

To create a camera entity, the following steps are necessary:

  • Interaction between the VMS and the customer's billing system

  • The camera must be added to the customer's equipment control system

The creation of a camera entity is performed using the new_camera method.

Algorithm for creating a camera entity:

  • A new camera appears in the customer's network equipment control system

  • A request is sent from the operator's billing system to the VMS to create a NetworkDevice entity

The request must include the camera's MAC address and serial_number.

  • An event log entry «Billing. New Camera» is recorded (for more information about provisioning events, see the «Provisioning events» page)

  • The VMS checks if the auto-provisioning procedure is enabled for adding cameras

If the auto-provisioning procedure is disabled, the process is terminated.

  • A new NetworkDevice entity is created in the VMS:

Creating a camera entity

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