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Favicon modification

This section is intended for selecting a favicon (an image displayed on the browser tab), as well as choosing the application icon image for Android and iOS mobile devices.

Selecting the location for image attachment

It is possible to add a logo image to a smart banner. The banner is displayed in versions of Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox browsers for mobile devices running iOS and OS Android when the user accesses the web client or web administrator page. To do this, add the images «Smart banner admin» and «Smart banner client».

To change the favicon:

  • Choose the area for image modification in the table.

  • Click on «Attach Image»

  • Select the image and click «Open»

  • If needed, click «Delete» to remove the attached image and attach another one.

  • Click «Save»

The size and type of the attached image may vary depending on where the favicon will be displayed.


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