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Profile management

To add or delete a profile, click on the «Settings» button on the authorization page.

«Settings» button

To add a new profile, click on the ➕ button.

Add profile button

Next, you need to add a profile by following these steps:

  • Specify the profile name

  • Enter the address to access the platform or use the QR-code scanner to automatically fill in the fields. The QR-code is available in the user's web client under the «Profile» section

  • Click «Check URL» to verify the address

  • After successful verification, click the save button

Save a profile

To modify a profile, select the desired profile and make the necessary changes:

  • Edit the profile name

  • Edit the profile link

After editing the link, you need to recheck the address. After successful verification, the profile save button will appear.

To delete a profile, open the desired profile and click on the delete button.

Profile deletion

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