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Push server

The push server is the intermediary for interaction between the orchestrator and executable files during operation.

Sequence of executable file launch

Upon launch, the executable file registers a public channel on the push server. The channel name is formed based on the "task type.uid" principle. For example: "face-detect.5141239e-faaa-11eb-ac62-1e00da0e0552".

After creating the channel, the push server sends a webhook to the orchestrator with information about the event.

Example data

  "app": "analytics",

  "channel": "face-detect.5141239e-faaa-11eb-ac62-1e00da0e0552",

  "event": "register",

  "msg_data": "",

  "msg_id": 0,

  "msg_name": "",

  "session": ""


The executable file connects to this channel, after which the orchestrator receives a webhook with information about the event.

Example data

  "app": "analytics",

  "channel": "face-detect.5141239e-faaa-11eb-ac62-1e00da0e0552",

  "event": "join",

  "msg_data": "",

  "msg_id": 0,

  "msg_name": "",

  "session": "1591188904571492.06963225946564896960"


Next, the orchestrator can send video streams to executable files. The push server API is used for this.

After the executable file is stopped, it leaves the channel.

Example data

  "app": "analytics",

  "channel": "face-detect.5141239e-faaa-11eb-ac62-1e00da0e0552",

  "event": "leave",

  "msg_data": "",

  "msg_id": 0,

  "msg_name": "",

  "session": "1591188904571492.06963225946564896960"


After all listeners are disconnected, the channel is deleted.

Example data


  "app": "analytics",

  "channel": "face-detect.5141239e-faaa-11eb-ac62-1e00da0e0552",

  "event": "unregister",

  "msg_data": "",

  "msg_id": 0,

  "msg_name": "",

  "session": ""


The executable file also connects to the stats and raw-events channels. In the stats channel, the executable file sends statistics on the resources consumed and the status of video streams processed on it. In the raw-events channel, the executable file sends generated events.

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