Release 22.12
Release 22.12 represents the introduction of brand new functionality to the platform, as well as changes to existing functionality and error fixes:
Binding intercom to a city telephone is a new feature that allows intercoms to be linked to a city telephone number, new connection schemes for intercoms and intercom statuses have been added, and intercom management has been improved
New functionality for adding and configuring links to platform clients, media servers, and Grafana in the administrator cabinet
Additional columns have been added in many sections to tables to provide more detailed statistical data
User access rights to various sections of the platform have been carefully reviewed and adjusted
Numerous changes and updates have been made to the «System Settings» and «Analytics» sections in the administrator cabinet to provide more convenient functionality to the user
Fixed a number of errors
For more details on all changes and fixes, please see below.
What's new
Administrator Сabinet
In the «Statistics» subsection, search and sorting have been added for the «Domain» and «Cluster» fields. Search is performed by the «Domain» and «Cluster» fields
When viewing a camera on the «Video streams» tab, if the camera is incorrect, a «Incorrect cameras» button has been added, which, when clicked, takes you to the «Incorrect cameras» subsection
Now the status of the video stream «Incorrect» is displayed when viewing a camera on the «Video streams» tab, indicating whether the camera is in the «Incorrect cameras» section
For incorrect cameras with the «Extended reconnection time» function enabled, the number of reconnections has been changed
Now the number of connection attempts is displayed in two lines («Reconnection attempts since disconnection» and «Total number of reconnection attempts») when viewing a camera on the «Video streams» tab
Now it is possible to create a link for external access to the camera
Improved functionality to change the number of days of the camera archive
The number of characters in the camera name has been increased
Now the user is also displayed in events when a camera is removed from billing
In the «Problematic cameras» section, a «Last activity date» column has been added, sorting by this column, as well as search by name and IP address. New events have been added for the camera, which are displayed when viewing a camera on the «Events» tab
Sorting by location has been added when viewing a camera on the «Complaints» tab
The «Incorrect cameras» section has been improved:
All tabs now have a «Media Server» column, sorting, search, and filtering by media server. Clicking on the media server takes you to the «Cameras» tab in the «Media servers» subsection
A «Stream disconnection time» column has been added on the «Disconnected cameras» tab, as well as sorting by this column
Autofill has been removed from the «Provisioning» tab when viewing a camera
The logic for the appearance of the auto/manual slider on the «Video streams» tab when viewing a camera has been changed
Now, on the authorization page, links for downloading and documents can be configured in the «System Settings» and «Documents» sections, respectively, in the administrator client. The «Download» button is displayed if at least one of the following conditions is met: there is access to download applications or desktop clients, or the administrator has granted access to at least one document for review
A new section «Licensing» has been added
The «Intercoms» section has been updated:
Added intercom vendor «Intersvyaz»
The vendor «Sputnik» is now automatically added through the «Sputnik» cloud services
The range of apartments is now set in a separate tab. Other new tabs have also been added
Adding an intercom to a user is now possible only in the administrator client
Now, you can add intercoms to users and temporary users
It is possible to add an apartment to a user without linking a key. It is also possible to separately add a key to an apartment
Implemented functionality for sending and receiving messages about which remote subscriber answered the intercom call
Pop-up tooltips have been added when hovering over buttons in the «Apartments» tab table
General connection diagrams for intercoms have been added. Depending on the various connection schemes, the functionality may change. For example, new buttons or fields may be added
Intercom statuses have been added
Now, in the «Key List» subsection, when the key collection mode is turned on, the delete buttons are unavailable
Implemented functionality for matching the city number and SIP server
Now, when a call is made to the city telephone, calls to the SIP server are also activated
When you click on an executable file on the «Servers» tab, you will be redirected to the «Executable Files» tab, where only the executable files for that particular server will be displayed
Now, when you click on a stream on the «Servers» tab, you will be redirected to the «Streams» tab, where only the streams for the selected server will be displayed
The «Memory Used rss GB» column has been removed from the table on the «Executable Files» tab
Now, when you click on the UID of an executable file on the «Executable Files» tab, you will be redirected to the «Streams» tab, where only the streams for that particular executable file will be displayed
A «UID of Executable File» column has been added to the table on the «Streams» tab
When you click on the UID of an executable file on the «Streams» tab, you will be redirected to the «Executable Files» tab with automatic filtering based on the selected executable file
A filter by server has been added to the «Streams» tab
Deleted streams and executable files are no longer displayed
Updating streams is now possible only for streams in the «Active» status
Stream statuses have been updated
Now, if DHCP server is provided in the installation but not configured, a notification will appear in the «DHCP pool groups» section, requiring the DHCP server to be set up. If DHCP server is not provided in the installation, then the «DHCP pool groups» and «DHCP servers» sections will not be accessible
New columns (camera ID, camera IP, camera name) have been added to the table in the «User actions» subsection, allowing for camera search and easy access to camera view
The functionality for editing temporary users has been improved
System settings
The «System settings» section has been updated:
A new subsection called «Links» has been added
The «Access rights settings» subsection has been changed and is now a separate subsection
Media servers
The callback statuses (callback functions) have been modified. Now, the media server sends more events. The logic for updating streams has been changed. The creation and updating of servers has also been modified
Web Client
Now, when selecting all cameras when adding an analytics case, the «Select all» button changes to «Deselect all»
Now, in the table view of the «Face Recognition» analytics case, possible matches are additionally displayed in the drop-down list, showing who the recognized object may resemble. The result with the highest accuracy percentage is displayed as the first line of the list
In the «Statistics» subsection, analytics cases are now displayed by analytics licenses
A number of changes have been made to add the «Line Crossing Detection» analytics case
Now, on the authorization page, links for downloading and documents can be configured in the «System Settings» and «Documents» sections, respectively, in the administrator client. At the same time, the «Download» button is displayed if at least one of the following conditions is met: access to download applications or Desktop Client is available, or the administrator has granted access to at least one document for review.
Mobile Apps
The ability to add a intercom has been removed. Now, the intercom is added using the administrator client
The statuses of callbacks have been changed. Now the media server sends more events
The size of the controller event batch has been increased to 20
Django and Celery logging settings have been configured for the Orchestrator
The administrator interface for the Orchestrator has been updated
Logs are no longer recorded in syslog
Logic has been developed to remove «bad frames» (frames in which the ICV data is incorrect) from videos
Administrator Client
The logo display error has been fixed
The time synchronization error has been fixed
The screenshot feature was not working in Safari when viewing a camera in the player on the «View in player» tab. This has been fixed
The display error that prevented more than two streams from being shown when viewing a camera on the «Video streams» tab has been fixed
The display error that prevented the «Analytics» tab from being shown when viewing a camera in the «Cameras» section has been fixed
The display error for the «Auto-Manual» slider on the «Video streams» tab when viewing a camera has been fixed
Fixed validation errors in the «Apartment from» and «Apartment to» fields when viewing and editing an intercom
Fixed validation error in the «Entrance» field when viewing and editing an intercom
Now the intercom camera is displayed only if the administrator has access to the intercom module
Fixed role assignment error for administrators
Fixed temporary user editing error
Fixed event display error in the filter dropdown in the «Events» section
Media servers
Fixed error that caused the stream status to become «Inactive» after stream transfer
Fixed error that caused the «Token» field to appear for flussonic media servers when adding or editing a server
Fixed error in selecting a period when generating a report on cameras for a selected period in the «Reports» section
Web client
Fixed scaling error for crop images for the «License plate recognition» analytics case
Desktop client
Media files
Fixed date selection error in the date filter
Video surveillance
Fixed incorrect modal window names error
Fixed an error with transferring a stream to another media server
Fixed an error where a continuous 401 error was logged when an incorrect RTSP link was specified
Fixed an error with simultaneous logging to multiple files
Fixed an error with storing images in Tarantool
Fixed an error with stopping analytics processes