Release 23.04
Release 23.04 introduces an entirely new functionality to the platform, as well as changes to existing functionality and bug fixes:
Online licensing has been added for all products
New functionality for displaying analytics events in the mobile application
UTC is now the standard for all dates
Added support and integration for Intercom vendor's systems
A number of updates have been made to intercom systems
Several bugs have been fixed
Release notes for version 23.04 now include notes for release 22.12.1.
Please see below for more information on all the changes and fixes.
This version is not compatible with versions below 22.12.1.
What's New
Administrator Cabinet
Messages about license expiration and other license-related messages have been added, as well as information on the number of distributed licenses and display of the licensing server status
Information on the number of distributed licenses has been added
Display of licensing server status has been added
«Support and software updates» tab has been added
Display of available analytics types for different licensing levels has been added
Added a message if the schedule was set by the user from a different time zone
Return to the list of cameras at the location has been added
The display of the audio track availability on the «Video Streams» tab when viewing the camera has been modified
Media Servers
Added the ability to enable/disable the «Incorrect cameras» feature
A corresponding message has been added in case media server groups are missing
Events for incorrect cameras have been added
New permissions have been added for the web client user, such as:
Client updates — the user will have access to new functionality that opens with corresponding permissions in the web client
Administration updates — the user will have access to new functionality that opens with corresponding permissions in the administrator's dashboard
Now on the «Temporary users» tab, when adding or editing a temporary user, any value can be used for the «Login» field
A new «Initialization» status has been added for cameras entered manually
Changes have been added to the «Switch matrix» tab when viewing an intercom
Now the login and password of the intercom are displayed when viewing the intercom
Checking for a network connection has been added for «Intersvyaz» intercoms
Description of connection scheme options has been added
Display of «Online» or «Offline» status for intercoms has been added
Added functionality «Line diagnostics» on the «Apartments» tab when viewing the intercom
Added apartment settings
Changed the logic of selecting the connection scheme
Added functionality to add an intercom camera to a user
Changed the authorization check for intercoms
Improved the check for the end of a call from the intercom
Now, by clicking on the analytics streams, you are directed to the «Streams» tab. In this case, only streams for the current executable file are displayed on the tab
System Settings
Added control over the presence of a captcha on the login page of the web client and in mobile applications
Changed the logic of displaying data on the dashboard
Web Client
Captcha has been added to user login
Added a message if the analytics work schedule was set by the user from a different time zone
Error handling functionality has been added for creating, deleting, and updating analytics cases
Messages about the validity period of licenses and warning messages about expiring licenses have been added
Mobile Apps
Added a message about the release of a new version. Also, the client version is displayed on the «Other» → «Settings» page
Now the temporary code for adding a visitor consists of 5 digits
Added display of status «Online» or «Offline» for intercoms
Improved functionality for ending calls
The «Tags» section has been renamed to «Events» and completely updated. The received events are divided into three types: analytics events, system events, and user tags
Date format
Now all dates are displayed in UTC format
Added captcha when user authorizes
The authorization has been modified. The «Check URL» button has been added and the QR code scanning button has been moved
Added licensing module
Added support for offline licensing
Added algorithm for sending licensing server status to the VMS platform
Changed the functionality of recording user messages when contacting the licensing server
Mobile Apps
Fixed an issue with switching video quality when using mobile internet
Fixed an issue where video quality does not switch from standard to high when viewing live
Fixed an issue with zooming in/out on video stream when switching between markers
Fixed an issue with displaying the logo in the notification when saving a screenshot
Fixed an issue with selecting a time later than the current time when saving an archive for any day except today
Fixed an issue with rewinding in a saved recording when playing back from a device
Fixed an issue with displaying the archive when the video stream is unavailable
Fixed display of the «Technical work in progress» screen
Desktop Client
Fixed an issue where playback speed does not reset to 1x when selecting a new camera
Fixed an issue where the file name does not match the camera name in the saved archive
Fixed an issue with minimizing the main window
Fixed an issue with displaying the new name on a renamed camera
Fixed an issue where the password change field is not active for a temporary user
Additional methods and algorithms added to organize and support RTSP sessions between the video signal source and the media server
The connection error of the media server to the licensing server has been fixed
Fixed an issue with processing statistics
Fixed an issue with deleting an image from Tarantool
Fixed an issue with lost MySQL connection