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On the «Streams» tab, all information about streams is displayed, with the filter and the possibility to view a specific stream.


The current functions available for the stream, such as DVR recording, video capture, and sound recording, are displayed with corresponding icons.

Functions icons

The stream table includes the following fields:

  • №, stream number

  • Name, stream name, with the possibility to view detailed information indicating DVR/Photo/Audio information. Streams can be:

    • Primary, the main stream, indicated by an icon to the left of the name

    • Secondary, a stream captured only in a special case, indicated by an icon to the left of the name and in the Suspend status

    • Migrated, a stream moved to another server, indicated by an icon to the left of the name

  • Status, stream status

  • Clients, the number of users currently viewing the stream

  • Bitrate, stream bitrate

  • Uptime, the time the stream has been running since launch or restart

  • Reconnects, the number of connections in the format «number of connection attempts / total number of connection attempts»

  • Source, the source of the data

Stream filter

The stream filter works based on the name and parameters of the streams.

Filter by parameters:

  • Primary

  • Secondary

  • Migrated

  • Transfer

  • Active

  • Suspend

  • DVR

  • Audio

Multiple parameters can be selected in the filter.

Filter by parameters

Viewing stream information

When viewing a stream, information about its state and links to check recordings are available.

The links are intended for playing the streams.

Stream information


This tab displays:

  • Overview:

    • Records path, the location of DVR on disk space

    • Duration, the depth of DVR storage

    • Ranges, the range and start date of the current recording

    • Available disk space, disk space available after recording DVR

    • Chunk, the time size of DVR parts

    • Memory usage, memory used

  • DVR Ranges:

    • Range number

    • Start and end time of the range

    • Depth of recording storage

    • Copy buttons:

      • RTSP, copy the link to play the stream via RTSP protocol

      • HLS, copy the link to play the stream via HLS protocol



Contains the stream configuration on this server. If necessary, the configuration can be copied.



Contains information about the stream source:

  • URL, link to the stream source

  • Session description protocol, stream description configuration (can be copied)



Contains information about the UUID of the stream playback.


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