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Beginning of work. Web User

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To work in VMS, open your browser and go to the address of the VMS surveillance system.

As a result, the login page will be displayed, where you need to enter the username and password for your account.

Authorization page screenshot

The following items are also displayed on the form:

  • Language switcher

  • Button for logging in through an external resource. When the button is pressed, a new browser tab opens on the external resource's login page

  • «Download» button for downloading the VMS desktop client

Depending on the system settings, an additional field for entering a alphanumeric code (captcha) may be displayed on the screen.

Entering the code during authorization in the web client screenshot

The code consists of uppercase and lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet (except the letter «O») and numbers from 1 to 9.

If you have difficulty reading the displayed characters, click «Update» to automatically generate a different code.

If the code is entered incorrectly, a corresponding message will be displayed on the screen and the authorization will not be successful.


After successful authorization, the web client interface is displayed.

User interface. «Cameras» section screenshot

A toolbar appears at the top of the window:

Navigation bar screenshot

The panel includes:

  • Logo. When clicked, it takes you to the «Cameras» section with the last viewed camera layout

  • Section list. Descriptions for each section are provided below

  • Sidebar open button. Also includes an analytics event counter

  • User avatar. When clicked, it displays a menu for language selection and program exit


When you click the sidebar button, a panel appears on the right side of the workspace. This panel displays analytics events for which the reaction «Reflect event in Sidebar» has been set.

Sidebar with analytics events screenshot

The sidebar provides an event filter by type of analytics. You can select one or more values to display only matching events on the sidebar.

For each type of analytics, no more than 30 events are displayed. If this number is exceeded, older events are replaced with new ones.

Clicking on the event name takes you to the event on the analytics case page.

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