Adding a new server
To add a server, click «Add».

Adding a new server
Or open the «Servers» page and click on «Add server».

Add server
In the opened window:
Enter the name of the server in the «Name» field
In the «Ip» field, enter the IP address of the server
Enter the port on which the orchestrator client is running (by default 8000)
If necessary, select the «Active» checkbox (if not selected, tasks for processing analytics will not be sent to this server)
The «Possible cases» field contains all analytics types added in «Case types» by defaultTo specify which analytics types the server needs to process, select them with the mouse or using the Ctrl (Command on Mac) + left mouse button shortcut. To add a new analytics type, click on the add icon to the right of the field ➕
Complete the addition by clicking «Save»

Example of filling in fields when adding a server

Example of individually selected analytics types
«Save and add another» to add another server after saving the current one. In this case, a new addition window will open
«Save and continue editing» to open the editing window for this analytics type after saving