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Camera installation requirements for using facial recognition analytics for general video surveillance

The following installation requirements for video cameras ensure stable operation of the «Facial Recognition» analytics feature in conjunction with access control and management systems in 70% of cases.


These values in the table are given as an example


not more than 3 meters


not more than 6 meters

Deviation in vertical and horizontal from a direct (90°) view into the camera

no more than 15°

Shutter speed

not more than 1/100


not less than 150 lux

Height and distance depend on the required viewing angle, image quality, and distance.

Requirements for the installation of video cameras for general surveillance

In addition to the requirements listed in the table, the following should also be considered:

  • Uniform lighting of the face, neutral background

  • Pixel density of not less than 500 pixels per 1 meter throughout the intended recognition zone

  • Face dwell time in the camera lens of not less than 1.5 seconds

  • Headwear and dark glasses should be absent

  • The image should be sharp and clear

  • Deep shadows are not allowed

  • Proportions should not be distorted

  • Side lighting is not allowed

Examples of correct and incorrect installation

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