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Example of server configuration file settings

Below is an example of media server configuration file settings.

The configuration file is a file that contains information necessary for the successful operation of the program.

    node-id                 = 101 # node id
    node-host               = # if empty then resolve by hostname

    cluster-enable          = true
    cluster-id              = 100 # cluster id, leave empty for disabled
    cluster-controller      = rabbitmq:// # rabbitmq:// mysql:// pg:// tarantool://
    cluster-warming-up      = 10s # startup timeout. for warming-up all cluster nodes
    cluster-tolerance       = 20s # time interval after last check when node start grab the secondary cameras
    cluster-ping-interval   = 10s # time interval in seconds between health checking

    sys-limit               = 4096 # set fd limitis
    sys-umask               = 777 # set file\folder creation mask

    threads-medium          = 10 # Number of medium worker threads
    threads-media           = 10 # Number of media worker threads
    threads-web             = 5 # Number of web worker threads

        enable      = true      # true | false | rtsp,publish,web
        rtsp        = *:5554:/  # rtsp streaming endpoint
        publish     = *:7554:/  # push rtsp endpoint
        web         = *:8443/   # hls\mse\etc... streaming endpoint
        whitelist-access        = # media client rtsp\http\https whitelist 
        whitelist-publishers    = # rtsp pushers whitelist 
        auth-module = modules/auth/validate.lua
        auth-secret = "}2F+fUnU8!@(<`5]9@]6P3,rkwD&XRvV[Rr`;CQR^wr$h#79SQw-[[>amr7ZX(dN"
        ssl-enable  = true # enable\disable SSL for (web, api, hls, mse etc.)
        ssl-cert    = # ssl cert file
        ssl-key     = # ssl key file

        reconnect-numbers = 500         # number of reconnects, before turn off stream
        reconnect-timeout = 10s         # timeout before reconnect attempt
        reconnect-interval = 30m        # maximum timeout interval 
        reconnect-invalid = 10          # number of bad packets before camera go in state invalid

        keep-alive  = true              # enable\disable (default is enable) tcp keepalive between server and streams (global for all streams, metro bad network fix)

        listen          = *:8080
        cpanel-enable   = true # enable\disable web module
        cpanel-baseurl  = /cpanel
        cpanel-module   = modules/cpanel/cpanel.lua
        cpanel-whitelist    = #
        cpanel-auth     = none # basic, none
        api-enable  = true # enable\disable web module
        api-baseurl     = /api
        api-module  = modules/api/api.v2.lua
        api-whitelist   = #,,
        api-auth        = none # basic, none
        ssl-enable  = true # enable\disable SSL for (web, api, hls, mse etc.)
        ssl-cert    = # ssl cert file
        ssl-key     = # ssl key file

        #   role = <login>:[<plain-password>]
        #   role - root, admin, guest, user, if leave empty, role is disabled
            admin = siteadmin:
            root = 
            user =
            guest = 
    record-tmp-dir  = /storage/tmp  #temporary directory to export records

    include         = streams/*.ini

    include         = media-server.nodes    # external file nodes id list
    101     = testnsms1.<xxxx>.video
    1088    = testnsms2.<xxxx>.video

# Optional section with virtual storages forward declaration
    default         = /storage
    secondary       = /storage2




Node number of the installed media server


Media server name. If the value is empty, the hostname of the system will be used


Group of combined nodes (node) of media servers


true – enabling a cluster group

false – disabling the cluster


Cluster number – server groups


cluster-controller = rabbitmq:// # rabbitmq:// mysql:// pg:// tarantool://


Interval between ping requests


Launch timeout. for checking and enabling all cluster nodes


Time interval after the last health check


System setting for setting a limit


System setting for creating a mask


Threads. Necessary for thread settings


The number of system threads that will be launched to capture streams


The number of threads for delivering camera streams


The number of threads for API/WEB work


true | false | rtsp,publish,web

rtsp = *:5554:/

publish  = *:7554:/ 

web = *:8443/

Suitable for thick clients

Suitable for media bridge

Suitable for web format and mobile devices


Setting the IP address for connection


Everyone is allowed if no specific IP addresses are specified


Limitation of who can send streams


Token verification during authorization


For checking and creating access token


Certificates. A protocol that provides more secure communication


Enabling or disabling SSL certificates (for web, api, hls, mse, etc.)


Stores the location of the cert file


Stores the location of the private key


Global parameter. Reconnection settings. Can be configured in the configuration file in the stream


Reconnect once every specified number of seconds


Connection attempt interval


Number of connection attempts


keep-alive  = true

Enable/disable (enabled by default) tcp activity support between the server and streams (global for all streams, fixing poor subway network)


Additional functionality for connecting CPanel and API




true. Connection of the web module CPanel

cpanel-baseurl = /cpanel

Name path to the module

cpanel-module = modules/cpanel/cpanel.lua

Script to implement the functionality of the CPanel module

cpanel-whitelist = #

IP addresses that can connect

cpanel-auth = none # basic, none

basic – there is authorization

none – connection is possible without authorization

api-enable = true 

true/false. Connection of the API module

api-baseurl = /api

Path to the API

api-module = modules/api/api.v2.lua

Script to implement the functionality of the API module

api-whitelist = #,,

IP addresses that can connect to API

api-auth = none # basic, none

basic – there is authorization

none – connection is possible without authorization

ssl-enable = false # enable\disable SSL for (web, api, hls, mse etc.)

Enabling or disabling SSL certificates (for web, api, hls, mse, etc.)

ssl-cert = # ssl cert file

Stores the location of the cert file

ssl-key = # ssl key file

Stores the location of the private key


Input format role = <login>:[<plain-password>] 

role = <login>:[<plain-password>]

role - root, admin, guest, user, if left blank, the role is disabled

admin = siteadmin:siteadmin

root = 

user =

guest = 

Possible user roles


A function that enables creating archives on a media server

record-tmp-dir = /storage/tmp

Path for creating temporary files

include = streams/*.ini

Path from which to connect configuration settings


The section works when clusters are present

include = media-server.nodes

Matching the node and hostname

101 = testnsms1.<xxxx>.video

The media server with node 101 has the specified hostname

1088 = testnsms2.<xxxx>.video

The media server with node 1088 has the specified hostname.


Specifying disks that are available for recording archives

default = /storage

Main archive storage location

secondary = /storage2

Backup archive storage location

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