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Intercom settings

To access the intercom settings, go to the «Intercoms» tab, click the «Manage» button next to the intercom name, and select «Intercom settings».

Intercom settings iOS.png

Intercom settings

The settings include:

  • Enabling/disabling the intercom

  • Setting the notification receiving time

  • Adding a photo to open the door

Enabling/Disabling the intercom

This setting is local and does not affect the operation of the intercom on other devices connected to the current account.

By default, the intercom is enabled.

When this setting is disabled, incoming calls from the intercom will not be displayed on the current mobile device.

However, notifications about missed calls and the removal of inactive visitors, as well as call history, will still be shown on the device.

Notification setting

This setting is local and does not affect the operation of the intercom on other devices connected to the current account.

This setting allows you to specify periods during which the intercom will be turned off.

You can specify specific days of the week or set a specific period.

To set a period, click on «Dates» and fill in the «Start date» and «End date» fields one by one. Adjust the time if necessary.


Intercom schedule

Click «Save» to save the changes.

Adding a photo to open the door

To add a photo for opening a door, go to the «Photo for opening a door» tab.

This tab displays a list of added photos.

When you click on a photo, it will be displayed in full screen.

Photos to open iOS.png

«Photos to open» tab

On the tab you can:

  • Add photo

  • Edit photo

  • Delete photo

To add a photo:

  • Click on the «Add photo» button

  • On the page that opens:

    • Click on the «Upload photo» button to upload the file. Maybe:

      • Upload photo from gallery

      • Take a photo with your phone camera

      • Take a photo with the intercom camera

    • Enter photo name

    • Check the radiobutton that you agree to the processing of personal data

    • Click on the «Add photo» button


Adding a photo

When you click on a photo, it will be displayed in full screen.

To edit a photo:

  • Click on the control menu

Management menu iOS.png

Control menu

  • In the list that opens, select «Edit»

  • On the page that opens:

    • Change the photo title

    • Click on the «Save changes»


Editing a photo

When you click on a photo, it will be displayed in full screen.

To delete a photo:

  • Click on the control menu

  • In the list that opens, select «Delete photo»

  • Confirm deletion

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