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Provisioning events

Provisioning events are presented in the form of a table, indicating the following:

  • Event date

  • Event type:

    • Billing. Сreate camera

    • Billing. Update camera

    • Billing. Delete camera

    • Billing. Create stream

    • Billing. Update stream

    • Billing. Create private folder

    • Billing. Update location

    • Billing. Create user

    • Billing. Update user

    • Billing. Delete user

    • Billing. Manage user cameras

    • Billing. Manage user licenses

    • Billing. Check user licenses

    • DHCP. Failed to create DHCP reservation

    • DHCP. Failed to update DHCP reservation

    • AP. Connection initialization error

    • AP. High-Quality Stream retrieval error

    • AP. Low-Quality Stream retrieval error

    • AP. High-Quality Stream creation error

    • AP. High-Quality Stream update error

    • AP. Low-Quality Stream creation error

    • AP. Low-Quality Stream update error

    • AP. Camera configuration application error

    • AP. Static addressing installation error

    • AP. Device information retrieval error

    • AP. Camera date and time setting error

    • DHCP. IP Address allocation

    • High-Quality Stream active

    • High-Quality Stream inactive

    • Low-Quality Stream active

    • Low-Quality Stream inactive

    • High-Quality Stream enabled

    • High-Quality Stream disabled

    • Low-Quality Stream enabled

    • Low-Quality Stream disabled

    • High-Quality Stream activation error

    • High-Quality Stream deactivation error

    • Low-Quality Stream activation error

    • Low-Quality Stream deactivation error

Provisioning events

The data in the table can be filtered by event start and end dates, as well as event type.

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