Statistics. Web User
The «Statistics» tab displays a table consisting of:
Licensing levels names
Total allocated licenses
Number of licenses in use
Number of available licenses

License statistics
Licenses are divided into licensing levels:
Licenses. Analytics. Level 1
Licenses. Analytics. Level 2
Licenses. Analytics. Level 3
Hovering over «Analytics types» provides a tooltip indicating the types of analytics accessible with the given licensing level.
Learn more about licensing levels: «Licensing Analytics»
The number of licenses in use is calculated based on the cameras added when creating an analytics case. Therefore, if 2 cameras were added when creating an analytic case, 2 licenses will be used.
If the current user has sub-users who have added an analytics case, then the drop-down list indicates which sub-users have added a case with this type of analytics.

Number of subuser licenses
The «Active licenses» column in the row with a sub-user specifies the total number of licenses of the corresponding level used by that sub-user.
If a sub-user attempts to add an analytic case without having the necessary allocated licenses for that type, they will receive an appropriate notification.
After removing analytics licenses from a user, the information regarding analytics cases, reactions, events, and analytics resources is stored for 7 days before being deleted.