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Download the archive. iOS user

To download the archive, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Cameras section.

  2. Select the relevant camera and tap to view it.

  3. Navigate to the Archive tab.

  4. Access the archive management.

  5. Select the Download archive option.

  6. Specify the start and end of the time period to download.

The maximum duration of an archive to download is ten (10) minutes.

From the web client, you can download an archive that spans a longer duration.

  1. Select the Download archive button.

The time required to download the archive will vary depending on the Internet speed.

For a successful download of the archive, we recommend keeping the app window active and not minimized. Minimizing the window could potentially interrupt the download process.

The Download archive button

Configuring archive downloads

If it is an intercom camera that has the set limitations for viewing video in live and archive modes (for more details, see the View and edit an intercom documentation section > the General data tab), the following will be available to view:

  • When a call is missed: 15 seconds before the call and 30 seconds after.

  • When a call is answered: 15 seconds before the call was answered and during the call.

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