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Installation of Analytics

All operations will be executed on VM1, unless an alternative is explicitly designated.

  1. To prepare the configuration files for Analytics, run the scripts:

  1. Ensure the ./ file is configured, and the ANALYTICS variable was set to yes during installation of VMS. Update the VMS installation if ANALYTICS was not enabled.

  2. Configure your licenses and license type (online or offline) and uncomment the line:

vim ../analytics/licensing.yaml

# for ONLINE licensing
# licenseURL:{your license URL}
# for OFFLINE licensing (default)
publicKey:{your license public key}

If the offline license is used, replace the license.json file in the ../analytics/ folder with the actual license file.

  1. Install Analytics by running the following script and wait for completion:


If completion wasn’t successful, break the script with Ctrl+C and contact the support team.

  1. Check the status of the Analytics deployment:

kubectl get all -n vsaas-analytics


If it’s required to update the deployment of Analytics, proceed with configuration changes and execute the script:


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