The Line crossing detection parameters. The Administrator client
Parameters | A working name of a parameter | A parameter type | A default value | An acceptable range * | A parameter description |
Frames per second. | fps | float | 5.0 | [1, 30] | A certain number of frames per second a video is processed. |
A low threshold for an object detection. | weak_threshold | float | 0.3 | [0, 1] | The minimum threshold to detect and object. |
An upper threshold value for an object detection. | strong_threshold | float | 0.4 | [0, 1] | The minimum threshold to start tracking the object. |
A minimum object size. | min_obj_size | float | 25.0 | [0, 512] | A minimum size of the object being recognized (in pixels). The size of the object is determined by the length of its diagonal. |
A minimum object width. | min_obj_rel_width | float | 0.1 | [0, 1] | The minimum relative width of the object being recognized. |
A minimum object height. | min_obj_rel_height | float | 0.1 | [0, 1] | The minimum relative height of the object being recognized. |
Event processing time. | aggregation_time | float | 1.0 | [0, 10] | The time, measured in seconds, during which the best captured image is selected for object recognition. Larger values of the parameter increase the recognition quality but also increase the time required for an event generation. |
A track time of an object. | track_lifetime | float | 5.0 | [1, 10] | A track time of an object that is measured in seconds and doesn’t include new events. |
A maximum number of objects under recognition. | tracked_objects_limit | int | 32.0 | [0, 512] | The maximum number of objects under simultaneous tracking. The value affects the computing load. |
*In the Acceptable range column, square brackets “[” and/or “]” mean that the threshold values can be used as the default ones; parentheses “(” and/or “)” mean that the threshold values cannot be used as the default values.