The Visitors counting parameters. The Administrator client
Parameters | A working name of a parameter | A parameter type | A default value | An acceptable range * | A parameter description |
Frames per second. | fps | float | 5.0 | [1, 30] | A certain number of frames per second a video is processed. |
A low threshold for an object detection. | weak_threshold | float | 0.3 | [0, 1] | The minimum threshold value for an object recognition. |
An upper threshold value for an object detection. | strong_threshold | float | 0.4 | [0, 1] | A minimum threshold value to start an object tracking. |
A minimum object size. | min_obj_size | float | 25.0 | [0, 512] | A minimum size of the object being recognized (in pixels). The size of the object is determined by the length of its diagonal. |
A minimum object width. | min_obj_rel_width | float | 1.0 | [0, 1] | The minimum relative width of the object being recognized. |
A minimum object height. | min_obj_rel_height | float | 1.0 | [0, 1] | The minimum relative height of the object being recognized. |
A track time of an object. | track_lifetime | float | 1.0 | [1, 10] | A track time of an object (in seconds) and doesn’t include new events. |
A minimum interval between events generation. | min_report_interval | float | 1.0 | (0, ∞) | A minimum interval between events generation (in seconds). |
A maximum interval between events generation. | max_report_interval | float | 10.0 | (0, ∞) | A maximum interval between events generation (in seconds). If the number of objects isn’t changed, counting is repeated. |
A maximum number of objects under recognition. | tracked_objects_limit | int | 32 | (0, 512) | The maximum number of objects under simultaneous tracking that limits the computing load. |
*In the Acceptable range column, square brackets “[” and/or “]” mean that the threshold values can be used as the default ones; parentheses “(” and/or “)” mean that the threshold values cannot be used as the default values.