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View details about a specific executable file

To view information about a specific executable file, open the Executable instances page, select the specific executable file and click on it.

Selecting specific records

After that, a window will open where you can find the following information:

  • Case type, which type of analytics the executable file processes.

  • Status, the status of the executable file:

    • Not created, the executable file is not created (an example of using this status is when, after sending a command to create an executable file to the orchestrator client, the orchestrator, for some reason, could not start it).

    • Created, the executable file is created.

    • Running, the executable file is running.

    • Stopped, the executable file is stopped.

    • Deleted, the executable file is deleted.

  • Server, which server the executable file belongs to.

  • Options, additional options for running the executable file (by default, the field is empty).

  • Uid, Uid of the executable file.

  • Executable path, the path to the executable file.

  • Config file path, the path to the folder with configuration files.

  • Additional params, additional parameters for running the executable file.

Viewing information

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