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What's new? 24.03 Analytics

  • In the updated Detection of loud sounds case, a classification approach for abnormal sounds is now used, where an algorithm predicts the probability of a sound belonging to a specific category. The benefit of this approach is in its flexibility to detecting abnormality, since this is handled by subsequent logic, not by the model that classifies the sound. The updated Detection of loud sounds case can identify more than 500 sound categories that include, for example, screams, sirens, gunshots, human speech, the sound of musical instruments, and many others. Now, users themselves can choose the list of abnormal categories.

  • The updated Visitors counting case now includes the enhanced models for detecting the average age of a person and a person gender.

  • The Orchestrator administrator access levels are added.

  • Now, a consistent naming convention is used for the UID of the video stream (camera UID), analytics stream UID, worker UID, and case UIDs.

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