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Camera settings (Android, iOS)

In the Cameras section, the mobile app user can access individual settings of the cameras on the following tabs: Camera groups, All cameras, Favorites.

To access the camera settings, follow the steps:

  1. Start in one of the ways:

  • Via the context menu of a selected camera. For this, find a relevant camera and tap its context menu icon (⋮). From the opened menu, select Camera settings.

  • When watching a camera player from Live or Archive mode, select the Settings icon at the top right.

  1. On the opened tab, the following tools are available:

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Camera settings

  • Under About camera, you can find additional details, such as the camera name and address.

  • Selecting Tell us about camera problem allows you to report an issue detected with this camera. On the opened tab, tap an issue from the provided list and Send. The list of available issues:

    • Foreign object in the lens

    • No sound

    • No picture

    • Interruptions in work

    • Swing mechanism defective

  • Select Rename camera to rename the camera. On the opened tab, change the camera name and select Rename.

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