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Created by an administrator

A user created by an administrator has access to the system until the date specified by the administrator and can be functionally limited.

Add a user

To add a user, follow the steps:

  1. Select the Add user button.

  2. On the opened panel, complete the details:

  • The name, login, and password.

  • Specify the PTZ priority from 1 to 100. The higher the value, the higher the priority the user has in remote PTZ camera control.

  • Specify an account expiration date.

  • Edit the list of cameras that the user will have access to. The list displays the cameras that are available to the current administrator. Cameras marked with a special icon have the Intercom’s camera option enabled on the General data tab.

Group 12 (4).png

The camera of an intercom

  • The added to the user cameras are listed under Selected cameras. If required, specify the archive storage duration in days. For this, select the Edit icon for a relevant camera. To manage multiple cameras' storage simultaneously, select the checkboxes of these cameras and Change archive length for selected.

image 87 (1).png

The list of selected cameras. Editing an archive length

  • Under Intercoms list, you will see the list of intercoms. They’ll be listed only when this user is added to an apartment where this intercom is used. The list can’t be edited.

When an administrator grants a user access to a camera through the Administrator client, the camera will appear in the user’s interface – whether it’s a web interface, a desktop client, or a mobile app. The camera will be displayed with the name that was assigned by the administrator at the time access to the user was granted.

If the administrator changes the name of this camera, the user interface keeps the original name.

The same rule applies when the user changes a camera name, the Administrator interface keeps the original name.

  • Grant all relevant access levels to the user.

  1. Select the Create button to finalize the user creation.

You can grant the user Analytics level access. In this case, you should specify a number of licenses that the user may apply when creating analytics cases.

Following the removal of analytics licenses, data related to analytics types, reactions, events, and analytics resources is kept for a period of 7 days. After this time, the data is automatically deleted.

Change a password

To change the password of a user, navigate to the Change password tab. Enter a new password (minimum of eight characters) and confirm it.

Delete a user

To delete a user, select the Delete button and confirm the action.

If you attempt to delete a user who has access to cameras that you, as the administrator, cannot see, a warning message will appear.

When a user is deleted, all analytics cases they have created are also removed

A warning message will appear if you try to delete a user with subusers, indicating that the subusers will also be deleted. If you proceed, the user and the associated subusers will be deleted.

When the user is deleted, all associated events, including their logs and the logs of linked subusers, will be permanently removed after a period of 30 days.

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