Open an intercom camera (Android, iOS)
The user can view video from an intercom camera in one of the following ways:
On the Device > Intercom tab, you can view the list of all available intercoms. To view an intercom camera, tap the context menu of the selected intercom (⋮). From the opened menu, select one of the options:
Intercom information. Selecting this option will navigate you to the section that contains detailed information about the intercom. Here, on the Events and Calls history tabs, you tap the Camera icon to view the intercom camera.
Open intercom camera.
Access to video from the intercom depends on the intercom status:
The intercom Offline status means that this intercom is currently not available (because of electricity is off, broken, or other reasons). In this case, calls and live video from the intercom are unavailable. You can view video from the intercom in Archive mode. Tapping Open intercom camera will open an informational message: “Calls and video from the intercom are temporarily unavailable.” In the message, you can tap Cancel to cancel the action. Tap Go to archive to open the camera player in Archive mode. You can access the camera archive if you have necessary permissions. For details on how to view the archived camera footage, see View camera footage in Archive mode article.
When the intercom status is Active, the camera player will open in Live mode. For details on how to view camera feed in Live mode, see the View camera feed in Live mode article. If live feed from the intercom camera is unavailable, you can choose the Archive mode, as mentioned above.
For intercom cameras with Live viewing restrictions set by the administrator (for more details, see the View and edit an intercom section > the General data tab), you can access video only during a call and 30 seconds after the call is completed.
When in Live mode, pay attention that the camera may have been added in a different time zone. As a result, the system time displayed on the camera and the timeline might vary. For details, see the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) article.
On the Cameras tab of the mobile app, you can view all available to you cameras, including the intercom cameras. For details, see the Cameras documentation article.