The System Managers section
Under the System Managers section, you can create and set up managers by granting them access to relevant system sections and enabling them to perform required actions. These managers are the users of the User Portal Manager who can manage the system depending on the permissions they are granted.
Under the System Managers section, you can find the list of the existing managers:
The users of the User Portal Manager
On this page, you can perform the following actions on this page :
Create a new user.
View the card of a user, edit, and delete the user.
Bulk actions – simultaneously delete multiple users.
Create a user
To create a user, follow the steps:
Select the Create button.
On the opened Create page, complete the fields:
Completing the fields
Passwords can include Cyrillic and Latin letters, hyphens, and the following symbols: !@#$%^&*()[]{}<>,_-.
Under Permissions, select the checkboxes of the sections this manager can access.
To complete creation of a new user, select Create. You can also select Create and add another to complete the action and start creating another user.