Authorization. The user personal account
When registered on the User Portal, you should log in to access your personal account.
To log in, navigate to the User Portal page. As a result, you will see the Log in panel.
Here, enter your login and password. Depending on your registration, enter your phone number or an email as a login.
The login process
Select the Remember me checkbox if you would like the system to remember your password and login.
Select Log in to transfer to your personal account on the User Portal.
If you forgot your password, select Forgot your password? As a result, complete the opened form.
Restoring a password
You can restore a password in one of the following ways:
Use the phone number specified during registration.
Use the email specified during registration.
Use an email that is used to restore access to the account.
When the login is entered, select Send confirmation code. As a result, you’ll receive a confirmation code to the email or to the phone number.
If you haven’t received a code, select Send code again.
Restoring a password
Paste the confirmation code in the relevant field and select Restore access.
After successfully completing the process, a form will appear for you to finalize the password restoration. Specify a new password and select Restore access.