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Install VMS

All operations will be executed on VM1, unless an alternative is explicitly designated.

To install VMS, follow these steps:

  1. To prepare the configurations files for VMS, run the script:

  1. Configure your licenses and license type (online or offline):

vim ../vms-backend/environments/.env

# Liscensing source
LICENSE_SOURCE=server         # use "file" for offline license
# Online Liscensing
LICENSE_URL=https://{your license url}
# Offline Licensing
LICENSE_PUBLIC_KEY={your license public key}

If an offline license is used, replace the license.json file in the ../vms-backend/license/ folder with the actual license file.

  1. Configure your key-certificate for sending push notifications to mobile devices.

  • for Android – add a valid certificate into the file:

  • for IOS – add a valid private key into the file:

  1. Run the script to install VMS and wait for completion:


If completion wasn’t successful, break the script with Ctrl+C and contact the support team.

  1. Check the status of the VMS deployment:

kubectl get all -n vsaas-vms

If you need to update the deployment, proceed with configuration changes and execute the script:


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