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The Switch matrix tab. Rubetek intercoms

On the Switch matrix tab, you can configure the coordinate matrix-switch settings.

From the Intercoms switch type drop-down, select a relevant switch. Rubetek intercoms may support different apartment matrix configurations:

  • kkm-100s2 – 1 matrix.

  • kkm-105 – 5 matrices.

  • kkm-108 – 8 matrices.

  • kmg-100 – 1 matrix.

  • km100-7.1 – 1 matrix.

  • km100-7.3 – 3 matrices.

  • km100-7.5 – 5 matrices.

Once the switch type is selected, the settings for each matrix and the corresponding set of apartment matrices are displayed.

image 33 (2).png

The matrix settings

Manage the following settings for each matrix:

  • Matrix flat from – an apartment number from which the matrix completions starts.

  • Matrix capacity – can’t be edited. The maximum capacity is 100 apartments.

  • Auto – automatic completion of the matrix.

  • Set the last matrix item as the first. Is available only when the Auto setting is enabled.

Rubetek intercoms provide the flexibility to edit the automatically generated matrix configuration.

If you have fewer apartments in a matrix than you have listed on the Apartments tab, the system will enable calls for the apartments at the top of your list on the Apartments tab.

Once changes are introduced, select Save matrix.

Each apartment number within an intercom system must be unique across all matrices.

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