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Distributed Installation

This distributed installation is a VMS installation that provides unlimited horizontal and vertical scaling capabilities for the system, taking into account requirements for fault tolerance and redundancy.

The implementation of a distributed installation corresponds to how scaling is implemented within Docker Swarm.

Architecture of distributed installation

There are no restrictions on the number of cameras used or simultaneous user connections.

System requirements for servers

The minimum hardware requirements are based on the types of loads. Uniform servers (virtual or hardware) can be used for the platform. The disk subsystem for storing the archive depends on the number of connected cameras. The archive size for 2 MP cameras is approximately 20-30 GB per day. The disk subsystem can be local (i.e., use local disks of the server with the installed media server), in the form of disk shelves, or in the form of a separately used storage system.

Hardware requirements are provided as a reference for 2 Mbps video streams. Actual streams and clarified requirements are calculated individually in specific installation cases, depending on the resolution of the video cameras and activity in the scene.


Number of streams






4 vCPU

4 vCPU

4 vCPU

Ubuntu 20.04


(or equivalent)


16 GB

32 GB

64 GB

SSD Disk

512 GB

512 GB

512 GB

For installations with more than 1000 cameras, a configuration is recommended that ensures fault tolerance and sufficient performance reserves at each level of the platform.


The services included in the distributed installation platform are:

  • A tool for implementing VRRP

  • A proxy server implementation

  • A DHCP server

  • A Key-Value storage (Key-Value DB)

A container with Traefik is used as the implementation of the proxy server.

Kea DHCP is recommended as the DHCP server.

Redis is used as the Key-Value DB.

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