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Install Basic Installation

This page contains the sequence of steps required to install the VMS Basic Installation.

The sequence consists of the following steps:

  • Getting the tar archive

  • Starting the installation

  • Setting environment variables

  • First login

  • Swarm Nodes

Getting the tar archive

Download the tar archive:

wget https://reader:reader1@download.<xxxx>.io/repository/install/<vms>.latest.tar.bz2 -O /opt/<vms>.latest.tar.bz2

Unpack the downloaded archive:

tar -xf /opt/<vms>.latest.tar.bz2 -C /opt

Starting the installation

Run the installation script from the unpacked directory:

cd /opt/<vms>

Figure 1. Component selection window for installation

If you plan to install the Media Server in a container, you need to perform some configuration steps beforehand. Before starting the installation script, you need to:

  • Mount the disk to any path using the /etc/fstab file

  • Configure the settings in the /opt/<vms>/mediaserver/configs/media-server.ini file

    • In the [dvr] directive:

      record-tmp-dir = <path_to_storage>/tmp  #temporary directory to export records

    • In the [storages] directive:

      default = <path_to_storage>

  • Depending on your installation scheme (http or https), edit the <path_to_storage> line to mount the volume in the media server service block:

    • For the http scheme, in the /opt/<vms>/ms80.yml file

    • For the https scheme, in the /opt/<vms>/ms443.yml file

      - "<path_to_storage>:<path_to_storage>"

Setting environment variables

After selecting the components for installation, an input address window will appear.

Figure 2. Address input window

Enter the server address where the installation is taking place, along with the protocol, for example:


The installation can be performed for two protocols: http or https.

If the http protocol is entered in the address field and <Ok> is clicked, the installation deployment will begin.

If the https protocol is entered in the address field and <Ok> is clicked, the full path to the certificate and its key will be prompted. After entering, the installation deployment will begin.

Figure 3. Certificate path input window

Figure 4. Key path input window

After the installation process is complete, you will see a notification of successful installation, as well as two links through which the installation will be available:

Figure 5. Notification of successful installation of selected components

Figure 6. Links to access the administrator and installation user cabinet.

First Login

Default administrator credentials:

password: qweasdzxc

Nodes for Swarm (optional)

If you want to connect nodes to the created swarm:

  • Run the following command on the Lider node to add a worker

    node1$ docker swarm join-token worker
    To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
    docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4b4xcdebobqbz89i5mpsds8mz35gx1d6u825m288s1x5q96unp-ek6e2c2b2pw8ylyt4sw4955ud <your_IP_address>:2377

    Run the following command on the Lider node to add a manager

    node1$ docker swarm join-token manager
    To add a manager to this swarm, run the following command:
    docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4b4xcdebobqbz89i5mpsds8mz35gx1d6u825m288s1x5q96unp-voleh98ve9v9v97ev9ervf4fg <your_IP_address>:2377

  • Copy the entire docker swarm join command that is displayed as part of the command output

  • Paste the copied command into the terminal of node2

    node2$ docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4b4xcdebobqbz89i5mpsds8mz35gx1d6u825m288s1x5q96unp-ek6e2c2b2pw8ylyt4sw4955ud <your_IP_address>:2377
    This node joined a swarm as a worker.

  • Run docker node ls on the Leader node to verify that both nodes are part of the Swarm

    node1$ docker node ls
    ID                           HOSTNAME               STATUS  AVAILABILITY  MANAGER STATUS
    4nb02fhvhy8sb0ygcvwya9skr    ip-<your_IP_address>   Ready   Active
    cw6jpk7pqfg0jkilff5hr8z42 *  ip-<your_IP_address>   Ready   Active        Leader

It is important to verify that both nodes have joined the Swarm, are ready, and active.

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