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Add Intercom

There are two ways to add intercoms: manual and automatic.

The manual method is used to add Intercoms from the Intercom vendor Intersvyaz. To do this, go to the «Intercoms. Administrator Client» section → «Intercoms» and click the «Add Intercom» button. This will display the intercom addition form.

The automatic method is designed to add intercoms from the Sputnik vendor. Adding intercoms is done within the vendor's system. After exchanging API requests, the intercom is automatically added to the VMS in the «Intercoms» section.

After clicking the «Add Intercom» button, the intercom addition form is displayed:

Intersvyaz intercom addition

When adding an intercom, the following fields need to be filled:

  • Vendor. The vendor (manufacturer) of the intercom. The available value is Intersvyaz

  • Name. The name of the intercom

  • IP Address. The IP address of the intercom

  • Port. The port of the intercom

  • Protocol. Select either HTTP or HTTPS

  • Username, Password. The credentials for the system to access the intercom

A button is provided to check the availability of the intercom using the provided data. The availability check is also performed automatically when clicking the «Add Intercom» button.

If the data is correctly specified, after clicking the «Add Intercom» button, the new intercom will be displayed in the list of intercoms.

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