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Client Versions

The «Loaded clients» table stores software versions that are available for download on the client's website.

Client Versions

Uploading a new version

To upload a new version, click «Load new version». In the opened window, enter:

  • Name*

  • Description*

  • Major version*

  • Minor version*

  • Audit Number*

  • Build Number*

  • If necessary, check the «Published» checkbox*

  • Attach the installation file*

  • Click «Load»

*Required fields.

If the installation file was not uploaded, a corresponding notification will be displayed.

After saving the changes, the download link for the file is automatically generated.

Viewing and editing

To view a specific version, click on the corresponding row in the table.

The following fields are available for editing:

  • Name

  • Description

  • «Published» checkbox

Viewing and editing

Deleting an uploaded client

  • Select the desired client in the table and click on it

  • Click the delete button

  • Confirm the deletion

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