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Logo modification

The tabs «Logo for Russian version» and «Logo for English version» are intended for uploading images that are displayed in the administrator and user web interfaces when selecting the Russian and English languages, respectively.

The tables in these tabs are identical and include the following fields:

  • Authorization Page, logo for the login page in the administrator and user web interfaces

  • Profile client logo, logo in the user web interface under the «Profile» section

  • Web client, logo for the header of the user web interface

  • Web admin, logo for the header of the administrator web interface

Logo upload

To change the logo:

  • Select the area for logo modification in the table.

  • Click on «Attach Image»

  • Choose the image and click «Open»

  • Click «Save»

The logo size should not exceed 2 MB.

The logo should be in one of the following formats: JPEG, BMP, PNG, SVG.

Example of a logo in the administrator web interface

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