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What's new 22.09.1

Administrator Client


  • In the «Statistics» subsection, search and sorting have been added for the «Domain» and «Cluster» fields. The search is carried out by the «Domain» and «Cluster» fields

  • When viewing a camera on the «Video Streams» tab, if the camera is invalid, a «Invalid Cameras» button has been added. Clicking on it takes you to the «Invalid Cameras» subsection

  • For invalid cameras with the «Extended Reconnect Time» function enabled, the number of reconnections has been changed


  • Now, links for downloading and documents can be configured in the «System Settings» and «Documents» sections, respectively, in the administrator client on the authorization page. The «Download» button is displayed if at least one of the following conditions is met: there is access to download applications or desktop clients, or the administrator has granted access to at least one document for review


  • The «Intercoms» section has been updated:

    • When adding an intercom, you must now select the necessary vendor

    • The range of apartments is now set in a separate tab. Other new tabs have also been added

    • Adding an intercom is now only possible in the administrator client

    • Implemented functionality for sending and receiving messages about which remote subscriber answered the intercom call

    • Added tooltips when hovering over buttons in the table on the «Apartments» tab


  • Now, when you click on an executable file on the «Servers» tab, you are taken to the «Executable Files» tab, where only executable files for this server will be displayed

  • Now, when you click on a stream on the «Servers» tab, you are taken to the «Streams» tab, where the streams for the selected server will be displayed

  • The «RSS Used Memory GB» column has been removed from the table on the «Executable Files» tab

  • Now, when you click on the UID of an executable file on the «Executable Files» tab, you are taken to the «Streams» tab, where only the streams for this executable file will be displayed

  • The «UID Executable Files» column has been added to the table on the «Streams» tab

  • Now, when you click on the UID of an executable file on the «Streams» tab, you are taken to the «Executable Files» tab with automatic filtering by the selected executable file

  • A filter by server has been added to the «Streams» tab

  • Deleted streams and executable files are no longer displayed

  • Updating streams is now only possible for streams in the «Active» status

  • Stream statuses have been updated

System Settings

  • The «System Settings» section has been updated:

    • The «Links» subsection has been added

    • The «Access rights settings» subsection has been changed and is now a separate subsection

Media Servers

  • The logic of updating stream statuses has been changed

  • Creation and updating of servers has been changed

Web Client


  • Now, when selecting all cameras when adding an analytics case, the «Select all» button changes to the «Deselect all» button

  • Now, in the tabular view of the «Face recognition» analytics case, possible options for who the recognized object may be similar to are also displayed in the dropdown list. The result with the highest percentage of accuracy is displayed as the first line of the list


  • Now, on the authorization page, links for downloading and documents can be configured in the «System Settings» and «Documents» sections respectively in the administrator's account. The «Download» button is displayed if at least one of the following conditions is met: there is access to download applications or desktop clients, or the administrator has granted access to at least one document for review

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