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Adding a new reaction

On this page:

You can add a new reaction in the following ways:

  • In the «Events and Reactions» section

  • When creating/editing an analytics case of any type in Step 2

Adding a reaction in the «Events and Reactions» section

Go to the «Events and Reactions» tab and click the «Add».

Adding a rection is done in two steps.

Step 1. Select event type

Event and reaction selection

Choose event:

  • Face recognized – the image obtained from the camera's video stream has similarity with a reference image. Applicable to analytics type: «Face recognition»

  • Face unrecognized – the image obtained from the camera's video stream does not have similarity with a reference image. Applicable to analytics type: «Face recognition»

  • Counting objects in an area – detection and counting of objects (people) in the detection area. Applicable to analytics type: «Counting objects in an area»

  • Zone intrusion detection – automatic localization of motion in the designated video stream zone. Applicable to analytics type: «Zone intrusion detection»

  • Appearance of a recognized license plate – the image of a vehicle's number plate obtained from the video stream matches the reference alphanumeric combination of the license plate. Applicable to analytics type: «License plate»

  • Appearance of an unrecognized license plate – the image of a vehicle's number plate obtained from the video stream does not match the reference alphanumeric combination of the license plate. Applicable to analytics type: «License plate»

  • Visitor counting – determination of people crossing a designated line on the observed object, recognition of their gender and age. Applicable to analytics type: «Visitor сounting»

  • Camera damage / overlap / vandalism detection – detection of absence of video stream from the camera, glare or defocusing of the image, rotation or obstruction of the camera's field of view. Applicable to analytics type: «Camera damage/overlap/vandalism detection»

  • Detection of loud sounds – automatic detection of loud sound events using the camera's microphone. Applicable to analytics type: «Detection of loud sounds»

  • Smoke and fire detection – automatic localization and detection of smoke and open fire in the designated video stream area. Applicable to analytics type: «Smoke and fire detection»

  • Line crossing detection – automatic localization and determination of the fact of crossing a designated line in the video stream. Applicable to analytics type: «Line crossing detection»

Next, select a reaction to the event:

  • Open the camera – opening the analytics camera screen when the selected analytics event occurs

  • Telegram message – sending a message to Telegram when the selected analytics event occurs

  • Show camera in sidebar – displaying a screenshot (video snippet) from the analytics camera when the selected analytics event occurs. Sidebar is a side panel displaying selected analytics events

  • Send sound notification – sending a sound notification when the analytics event occurs

  • Without reaction – no reaction will be triggered for the selected event

  • Closing dry contact/Opening dry contact – this reaction can be combined with control and management systems (intercoms, barriers)

Click «Next» button to go to Step 2

Step 2. Select reaction time

Setting up the reaction

  • Enter the name of the reaction

  • Select one or more users to receive a reaction

  • Add a reaction schedule (required)

When setting the reaction operating period after selecting the days of the week, the operating time is automatically set from 00.00 to 23.59.

  • Additionally, it is possible to enter a non-working reaction time (non-working time must be within the response time range)

When editing an event, if the schedule was configured by a user from a different time zone, a corresponding message is displayed. After editing, the schedule is adjusted according to the current user's time zone.

Select reaction status:

  • Active (default) – reaction triggering is enabled

  • Inactive – reaction triggering is disabled

Click the «Save» button

Adding a reaction when creating an analytics case

The form for adding a reaction is displayed in step No. 2 after clicking the «Add new reaction» button:

Adding a new reaction when creating an analytics case

On the form for setting up a new reaction, follow these steps:

  • Enter the name of the reaction

  • Select one or more users to receive a reaction

  • Specify the reaction period (required)

  • Specify non-working response times (if necessary)

  • Click «Save»

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