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Binary Node

Binary Node is a single server (physical or virtual).

Binary Node consists of the following components:

  • Orchestrator Client

  • Executable files

Orchestrator Client

A Binary Node component that is used to run executable files and transmit resource consumption statistics from the server to the orchestrator (server status information).

Executable file

The executable file is an executable file with its own resources. One of the arguments when launching the executable file is the path to the configuration file, which contains information about the type of analytics cases processed by the executable file, as well as a unique identifier uid, which will be assigned to the executable file (example: /opt/video-analytics/<company>-video-analytics-cpu.out -v 4 -c /opt/video-analytics/config/licplate-recognition.ini --uid 889fdc2c-0832-11ed-b5f0-59a688e092f6 ).

The main function of the executable file is to analyze video streams and generate events depending on the type of executable file.

To properly start and stop executable files by the orchestrator client, we recommend placing them as follows:

  • The executable file and its resources in the /opt/video-analytics/ directory

  • The name of the executable file to be launched is <company>-video-analytics-cpu.out

  • The configuration files in the /opt/video-analytics/config/ directory

  • Create a separate file for each type of case, for example, face recognition - /opt/video-analytics/config/video-analytics-face-detection.ini

See the «Push Server» page for information on the interaction of the executable file with the push server.

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